Our first regular show at the fabulous Biscuit Factory – in association with The Ogilvie – is called A New World, so it seems only appropriate that the first INTERROBANG?! Interrogation for the night comes from Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award winner, Robert McGinty. His answers are brand new, so they are…

Robert McGinty works and writes in Edinburgh, where he lives with his wife and son. He was a recipient of a 2016 Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award in the Children’s and Young Adult fiction category. He is currently working on a Young Adult novel called The Dead Men of Pendragon House, as well as occasional articles and stories for his blog.
And here’s how he answered our questions:
?!: It’s time for A New World. What would Earth-shattering thing would you invent to usher it in?
RMcG: A quantum-reality hopper, to get me out of this string universe and over into the one next door.

?!: But if we’re stuck in this world for now, where in it would you like to visit to experience a sense of renewal?
RMcG: Iceland, where our world is still being forged in ice-bound volcanoes.
?!: And what’s the most vivid representation of a new world that you’ve seen on page or screen?
RM: The glowering great city of Metropolis, a city for a future that was yet to be born.

?!: Antonín Dvořák thought the New World sounded like his ninth symphony. But what music is playing as your new world crashes into existence?
RMcG: A simultaneous melange of every Sixties pop hit.
Will one sixties number and one eighties number do?
?!: Finally (and without giving too much away!) what can you tell us about what you’ll be sharing at A New World?!
RMcG: I will be sharing a life moment when an old world of experience dies and a new, almost indescribable life takes its place.
Wow! If you’re not intrigued by that last answer, you need to find a new life! Thanks a lot to Robert for submitting himself to the INTERROBANG?! Interrogation. Come along to INTERROBANG?! and The Ogilvie – A New World at The Biscuit Factory on 7 April to experience new, almost indescribable sensations!
You can get tickets on the door, or make it easy on yourself by getting them up front at Eventbrite.